Jerome Primary School

Hip Hip Hooray


At Jerome we believe it is important to celebrate all of the successes and achievements of our pupils. This page is dedicated to out of school activities. We are so proud of all that our children achieve!


If you would like to request a spot for your child in the 'Hall of Fame', please email with details and a photo. Each child will appear for a minimum of 1 week.


Jerome Hall of Fame

Summer W, Year 5, was invited to compete in the 3 counties gala for Staffordshire. She swam in the 4 x 50m free style relay and her team won the race for her age group. She also swam in the 4 x 50 medley relay and again her team won for her age group.
She swam 50m in 34.32 seconds -  an amazing personal best swim! We are so proud of you, Summer!
Poppy and Keeley, Year 3, and Dolly, Year 5, are flying off to Prague to dance for team England!! We are so incredibly proud of you girls!!
The girls will compete alongside their incredible team mates from ELDC, and other amazing dance schools, chosen from over 5000 entries from  across England - with 66 countries taking part from all over the world.
Good luck from your Jerome family girls! You are already winners in our eyes!
Layla-Hope, Year 6, came first in the 75m sprint, in her very first competition. She finished in an amazing time of 11.8 seconds. We are so proud of you, Layla-Hope! What a star!

Ava, Year 3,  completed her grading at the weekend - moving up to orange belt. Lots of hard work has been put in over the last few months to make sure she was able to impress the grading officers.  Well done, Ava! We are so proud of you.

Peyton, Year 2, gained her second Blue Peter badge this week!

She gained one last year for her involvement in her dance school and, this week, she gained the eco badge.

Peyton has also received two rosette awards for dance this week! This was for a ballet exam and her first tap exam. Well done, Peyton! Keep it up!

Ava, Year 3, and her team Penkridge Wildcats, won the Under 9 Europa Cup final against Burntwood. It was an amazing game with both teams battling with no goals - Ava even saved a penalty!

During the penalty shootout best of 3, Ava saved 2 - which meant her team won the cup. What a superstar you are, Ava - the next Mary Earps!

Iris, Year 2, gained her 25m swimming badge this week. We are so proud of you, Iris! Learning to swim is such an important skill.

Summer W, Year 5, competed in the Stourbridge Crystal Open Meet this weekend at Wolverhampton baths - with amazing results!

50 back PB Gold medal   
50 Breast PB Bronze medal  
100 IM PB Gold medal  
50 Fly PB Gold medal  
50 Free PB Silver medal 
She swam her little heart out, we are so proud of our little pocket rocket!

Marietza, Year 5, achieved a distinction in her LCM Step 2 piano exam. WOW! This really is a fantastic achievement Marietza!

Summer W, Year 5, competed in the Staffordshire County Championships, in 6 events, this weekend. Swimming at Sandwell Aquatics in the Commonwealth pool.

She placed as follows - 
50 Breast          13th out of 29
50 Fly                 15th out of 23
50 Free PB        14th out of 29
50 Back              23rd out of 32
100 Breast         12th out of 23
200 IM PB          9th out of 15 
What an amazing achievement at 10 years of age. We are so proud of you, Summer!

Martha W, Nursery, has just been awarded Highly Commended for her Pre Juvenile Ballet exam. She has also earned rosettes for Ballet and Freestyle. Well done, Martha! We are so proud of you!

Mia Y, Year 2, achieved the Parent Player Award as a result of her team winning their football match 7-5. Mia scored 5 of those goals! What a star you are, Mia! Keep it up!

Seren, Year 4, gained her Red Belt at Kickboxing - after only attending for a few weeks! 

Well done, Seren! Keep it up!

Poppy J, Year 3, competed in the Momentum 2023 Championships this weekend with the following results - 
2nd in the 8&u intermediate set solo 
2nd in the 8&u intermediate commercial final 
X2 1st in duos 
1st with show teams 
2nd contemporary teams 
2nd 8&u show solos 
1st in the 8&u intermediate contemporary improv grand finals winning her first crown!!
We are so incredibly proud of you Poppy - for one so young you have shown professionalism and maturity. You work incredibly hard and deserve this success!

Layla-Hope, Y6, received the award for 'Most Improved - 2022' at her recent presentation ceremony for Tamworth Athletics. We are so proud of you Layla-Hope, keep working hard!

Alfie, Mason, Harry, Oliver and Jacob, from Year 5, won the Newhall Tournament with their team at the weekend. The final went to penalties with Harry scoring the winning goal.

Oliver made some amazing saves - the boys did not concede one goal! Alfie scored 5 goals and Mason scored 4 goals. WOW!

What an amazing achievement boys - we are so very proud of you all!

Ava, Year 3, entered the AJA East Midlands Open in Leicester - winning GOLD!

We are so very proud of you, Ava! Well done!

Grace, Year 5, has passed her 9th cup grading, achieving her yellow belt with a pass plus at Taekwondo - also getting 5/5 in Korean speaking!  Grace has grown in confidence since taking up the sport, and we are all extremely proud of her! Keep it up, Grace!

Cayden, Year 3, got student of the week at judo. He demonstrated great skills and listened to instructions. We are very proud of you Cayden!

Maddison-Rose, Year 2, was awarded a trophy in her Kickboxing class. What a superstar! We are all very proud of you Maddison!

Marietza, Year 5, took her Piano - Pre Preparatory exam and came out with a distinction, which is the highest pass level.  This is an amazing achievement Marietza, we are so proud of you!

Hussey Road, Cannock, Staffordshire, WS11 9TP